Live, look and feel your best. Everyday.

Restore your youthful vitality
Thrivelab offers evidence-based hormone and testosterone balancing programs along with natural bioidentical products* to combat the symptoms of aging. Every hormone replacement therapy program is personalized and supported by board-certified providers accessible via telehealth.
Take the Free Self-AssessmentTake Free Self-Assessment
It’s your time to thrive
As we age, our hormone levels fluctuate. For both men and women. If you are experiencing fatigue, weight gain, joint pain, low sex drive and other hormonal imbalance symptoms, you can do something about it.
All you need is Thrivelab.

Find out if you have a hormonal imbalance

Take the Free Self-AssessmentTake Free Self-Assessment

Take Thrivelab’s free assessment to get insight into your current level of hormone health and if it is likely to be a barrier to achieving your health goals. Don’t worry, it’s a simple process and should take less than five minutes.

Once you have completed the self-assessment, you’ll have the option of scheduling a $45 consult with a board-certified provider to discuss your results or contacting a Thrivelab director of patient care to learn more about our programs.


Trusted by men who’ve tried it all

Take the Free Self-AssessmentTake Free Self-Assessment

Hormone replacement therapy with a difference

More and more men, women and couples are turning to Thrivelab to address their hormonal imbalance symptoms. That’s because our programs are:


25 years of clinical experience and expertise in anti-aging and regenerative medicine.

Proven to resolve 80% of patients’ hormone imbalance symptoms within 90 days.

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Safe & Natural

Every bioidentical hormone replacement therapy program is administered and monitored by board-certified providers and nurse practitioners.

Thrivelab prescriptions are natural, compounded in the U.S. and delivered to your door.

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Access hormone replacement therapy via a secure, HIPAA-compliant portal and telehealth visits.

Our online model costs 50% less than traditional clinics and 25% to 30% less than traditional lab testing.

Book your $45 telehealth consult


Bioidentical hormone prescriptions and therapies are customized to you.

Treatment is designed to relieve your specific symptoms, not just mask them.

Get Started