In Stock
Only $175 /Month For The First 3 Months

Compounded Semaglutide

Same active ingredient as Wegovy and Ozempic 
Prescriptions delivered fast in 1-3 days
Experience Nutrition Coaching & Lifestyle Support
Clinically-proven, research-backed results
The Problem
70% of the population is overweight or living with obesity and report they would like to lose weight
1 in 2
Obesity is a chronic disease with an increasing prevalence estimated to reach nearly 1 in 2 adults in the U.S. by 20301
A Solution
80% of people who used 2.4mg of semaglutide injections weekly lost 5%-10% of their mean body weight
Resulting in a mean weight loss of 22-33 lbs over 68 weeks

Compounded Semaglutide

In Stock
$45 Initial Appointment with Licensed Provider
$175 /Month For Prescriptions
Use Your Insurance For Telehealth Visits
See if Semaglutide is right for me

Nutrition Coaching

Optimize Results
$45 For Intro Appointment with Registered Dietitian
Use Your Insurance For Nutrition Coaching Visits
Recommended Weekly 1 Hour Sessions
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50% off for a limited time

Take control of your weight
without breaking the bank

For a limited time, Thrivelab is offering Compounded
Semaglutide for $350 $175/month for the first 3 months

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Other Leading Semaglutide Providers vs. thrivelab

Other Semaglutide Providers
Hidden Platform Fees
$300/month on average
No nutrition or lifestyle support
No Hidden Platform Fees
$175/month, all included
Nutrition Coaching & Life Coaching

Get started in
just 4 Steps

Get Started
Free Self-Assessment
Before booking your appointment, take 5 minutes to tell us about your goals.
This clinical assessment captures vital information about medical history to assess eligibility.
Book Telehealth Appointment
Book a 45-min appointment to get your questions answered by a board-certified provider.
Discuss our weight loss program, prescription options and nutrition coaching options.
Money-back if we can’t help you
Build Treatment Plan
Build a personalized treatment plan that suits your weight loss goals.
We will complete a verification of health insurance benefits (if using insurance) for telehealth visits.
Lab work will be ordered as needed.
Rx Delivered to Your Door
100% online, with prescription delivery to your home.
Fast, discreet packaging and delivery in 1-3 days.
Prescriptions are always compounded in the United States.

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Dr. Nayan Patel

What Is Semaglutide? Your Complete Guide

If you’ve experienced blood sugar dysregulation or problems losing weight, we know how it can affect other areas of life. These issues can affect your diet, your social life, and even other areas of health.

In recent years, groundbreaking advancements in medical science have led to the development of new and innovative treatment options for various health conditions. One such breakthrough treatment is semaglutide, a medication that has been gaining significant attention for its promising results in weight loss and diabetes management.

In this complete guide, we will explore what semaglutide is, how it works, its potential benefits, and other essential information you need to know about this revolutionary drug. If you're wondering if semaglutide is right for you, keep reading.

What Is Semaglutide?

Semaglutide is a medication that belongs to a class of drugs called GLP-1 receptor agonists. These drugs work by mimicking the action of a hormone called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), which is produced by the body in response to food.

GLP-1 helps to regulate blood sugar levels by stimulating the release of insulin and suppressing the release of glucagon, a hormone that causes high blood sugar levels. By mimicking the action of GLP-1, semaglutide can help regulate blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes, suppress appetite and improve metabolism to aid in weight loss.

What Do The Experts Say About Semaglutide?

Semaglutide has been studied extensively and is the first FDA approved, clinically-proven, science-backed weight loss drug that is helping people to lose weight on a biological level.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) first approved it in 2017 for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Experts also recommend GLP-1 receptor agonists, such as semaglutide, for patients who need additional help in managing blood sugar levels, improve body composition and minimize the health risks associated with obesity. In a recent study, participants taking semaglutide were able to lose an average of 10.8 percent of their body weight over the course of 56 weeks, while those taking a placebo only lost 0.9 percent.

Overall, experts agree that semaglutide has the potential to be a beneficial treatment option for people with type 2 diabetes and those looking to improve their body mass index (BMI). However, it should not be used as a substitute for good diet and lifestyle habits.

What Are the Benefits of Semaglutide?

  • Blood sugar control. Semaglutide may help regulate blood sugar levels by mimicking the action of GLP-1 and stimulating the release of insulin. This helps to reduce the risk of certain diabetes-related complications, such as heart disease (think heart attack, stroke, etc.), high blood pressure, and kidney disease.
  • Convenient administration. Semaglutide is administered once a week via injection, making it especially convenient for those who have busy lifestyles.
  • Well tolerated. Semaglutide is generally well-tolerated. The most common side effects are headache, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, constipation, decreased appetite or low blood sugar. These symptoms are usually mild and only occur during the onset of the medication. Symptoms can often be managed with lifestyle modifications or over-the-counter medications.

Who Should Not Take Semaglutide?

Semaglutide is not recommended for anyone who has:

  • A personal or family history of thyroid cancer (such as medullary thyroid carcinoma)
  • Multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2 (MEN2)
  • Severe kidney problems
  • A history of pancreatitis ((inflammation of the pancreas) or gallbladder problems
  • Allergies to semaglutide or any of its ingredients
  • A history of depression or suicidal thoughts

Semaglutide can also interact with certain medications, so it's important to tell your doctor about all the medicines you are taking before beginning treatment. It is important to note that semaglutide does not interact with BHRT or TRT, so patients can safely take semaglutide in conjunction with their current hormone replacement treatment plans at Thrivelab without concern.

How Long Does It Take To See Results From Semaglutide?

The effects of semaglutide can vary from person to person. Generally speaking, it will take at least two weeks before you begin to notice any changes. In clinical trials, the most significant weight loss was seen at 16 weeks, and maximal results typically occurred around 56 weeks.

Results vary from person-to person and can depend on a variety of factors, including lifestyle habits and overall health. That's why it's important to keep up with regular checkups and work closely with your healthcare provider to ensure that you are getting the most out of your treatment.

How Can You Get the Best Results From Semaglutide?

Now that we've covered the basics of semaglutide, let's go over a few tips to help you optimize your results.

Follow Your Doctor's Instructions

The first and most crucial tip is to follow your doctor's instructions. Your doctor will give you precise instructions on how and when to take semaglutide. Make sure you understand the dosage and follow it accordingly.

Inject Semaglutide Correctly

Always use a new needle, and never reuse it. Clean the injection site, choose a spot with enough flesh, and aim for subcutaneous tissue without hitting any blood vessels. Always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider for instruction before administration.

Stay on Top of the Side Effects

Semaglutide is safe and well-tolerated, but as we discussed earlier, there may be some side effects. Make sure you keep track of any new symptoms and report them to your doctor if they persist or worsen. You might also find it helpful to make changes to your diet and exercise routine, which can sometimes alleviate these symptoms.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Maintaining a balanced, nutritious diet is essential for maximizing the benefits of semaglutide. By eating a variety of whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, you can provide your body with the nutrients it needs to function at its best.

In addition, limiting your intake of processed, sugary, and high-fat foods and calories can help to manage glucose levels and encourage weight loss. Incorporating portion control and mindful eating techniques can also help to support your semaglutide treatment.

By paying attention to hunger and fullness cues and eating slowly, you can prevent overeating and make healthier food choices. Additionally, staying hydrated and consuming plenty of fiber-rich foods can help to keep your digestive system running smoothly and reduce the risk of medication-related gastrointestinal side effects.

Finally, it's important to remember that a healthy diet is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Work with your healthcare provider to develop a personalized meal plan that meets your unique needs, preferences, and health goals. This individualized approach can help ensure that your diet supports your semaglutide treatment and also enhances your overall health and well-being.

You may also want to find a daily supplement that can help you get the nutrients your body needs to support balanced blood sugar.

Quality Sleep

Getting adequate, high-quality sleep is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being, and it can also play a role in the effectiveness of your treatment. Poor sleep can interfere with blood sugar control and may make it more difficult to maintain a healthy weight.

To support your sleep quality, consider establishing a regular sleep schedule and bedtime routine, avoiding caffeine and electronics close to bedtime, and creating a sleep-friendly environment by keeping your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet.

If you continue to struggle with sleep despite making these changes, consult a qualified healthcare professional for additional guidance and potential treatment options.

Get Stress in Check

Chronic stress can have a negative impact on your health and may interfere with the effectiveness of your treatment. By finding healthy ways to manage stress, you can support your overall well-being and optimize the benefits of your medication.

It's also important to prioritize self-care and maintain a healthy work-life balance. This may include setting boundaries around your work schedule, spending quality time with loved ones, or taking time for yourself to relax and recharge.

By managing stress effectively, you can create a more balanced lifestyle that supports your semaglutide treatment and your overall health.

Exercise Regularly

Physical activity is beneficial for many aspects of health, including weight loss and blood sugar control. It's recommended that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise per week. You can break this up into shorter, 30-minute sessions several times a day or opt for longer workouts if that's more manageable.

Aim to include a variety of activities in your workout routine, such as walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, weight training, and yoga. You may also want to consider participating in an exercise class or joining a local fitness center. Working out with friends or a professional trainer can make physical activity more enjoyable and help you stay motivated.

Remember that it's important to talk to your healthcare provider before making any significant lifestyle changes, especially if you have any health conditions or take medications that may affect your activity level.

Start Semaglutide with Thrivelab

It's wise to seek treatment from an honest and reputable healthcare provider. Working with a board-certified medical professional can help ensure that you receive the highest quality care and treatment.

Not sure where to start? Check us out here at Thrivelab. We provide comprehensive, evidence-based care from top-tier providers and hormone specialists that are dedicated to optimizing your health and well-being.

Semaglutide is a breakthrough treatment that has shown significant promise in managing type 2 diabetes and promoting weight loss. With its relatively low risk of side effects and numerous benefits, it may be an effective and life-changing treatment option for many individuals.

Here at Thrivelab, we’re dedicated to helping you make informed decisions about your health. Whether you're on a mission to shed a few pounds or looking to gain better control of blood sugar levels, you can count on us for personalized care and guidance every step of the way.

Contact us today to learn more about how semaglutide may be able to help you reach your health and wellness goals. We look forward to hearing from you.

Keep Reading

Common Questions

Does BHRT help with weight loss?

To a certain degree, yes. BHRT and TRT indirectly support the hormone imbalances that are causing weight gain. Hormonal imbalances, such as low testosterone levels in men or imbalances in estrogen and progesterone levels in women, can contribute to weight gain or difficulty losing weight. BHRT and TRT aim to restore hormonal balance, which may help individuals regulate their metabolism and energy levels, making it easier for them to maintain a healthy weight. BHRT and TRT should always be coupled with a healthy diet, exercise and stress management to achieve weight loss goals.

Does Thrivelab have Nutrition Coaching?

Yes. We have a team of Registered Dietitian Nutritionists available to support patients with their nutritional goals through meal planning, nutritional guidance, recipes, and food journaling.

What can you expect from Semaglutide? Are there side effects?

A patient can lose 5%-15% of their body weight over the course of the first 90 days. Although uncommon in most cases, side effects are possible. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur but these symptoms usually subside after a few weeks of using the medication.

What does semaglutide do? 

Medications like semaglutide, coupled with healthy lifestyle changes can take control of risks of high blood sugar and diabetes by increasing insulin secretion, suppress hunger and increase the feeling of fullness to regulate body weight.

Is semaglutide safe?

Semaglutide is an FDA-approved medication, and is clinically-tested, stimulant-free, and non-habit forming. Side effects are extremely rare, and most individuals who take semaglutide do not experience any. For those who do, nausea is the most common, and this typically resolves over the first few weeks of being on the medication. In the most recent clinical trials, less than 5% of people discontinued medication because of side effects. 

Does semaglutide get rid of belly fat?

Semaglutide has been shown to dramatically improve body composition by reducing excess body fat and increasing lean body mass. A recent trial testing 1,961 obese adults discovered that patients who injected semaglutide lost close to 15% of their body weight, on average over the placebo.

Although these results prove the medication’s effectiveness in assisting with weight loss goals, it’s important to note that diabetes and obesity should also be met with holistic lifestyle solutions. Semaglutide will often be prescribed in conjunction with doctor-approved exercise, diet plans and behavioral adjustments.