Read the case study
Holly Orlander
Age 65

Breaking The Cycle of Thyroid Imbalance

Insomnia, Lack of Energy, Hair Loss, Inflammation
Conquered insomnia, revived energy, and vanished symptoms of brain fog due to family history of low thyroid in four weeks.
I overlooked my hormone health for 40 years although I was at risk because it ran in my family.

Holly is a remarkable traveler who spent a lot of time flying around the world. She has lived in France, Portugal, and Spain–but now is back home in the USA. As she ponders purchasing another property in France with her brother, she shares her motto: “The meaning of life is to live it.”

Holly has always looked for ways to improve the strength of her immune system and hormone well-being. “Although we are conditioned to ask for a prescription, improving our hormone health is not screened by physicians,” she says. “I overlooked my hormone health for 40 years although I was at risk because it ran in my family.”

Escaping the family history of thyroid imbalance

Holly’s mother and sister also have low thyroid hormone levels. “Had I known Thrivelab existed 40 years ago, it would have made a big difference in my life. I have always had a low thyroid that never got identified nor treated till now,” she says, “My whole family got tested and my sister and I compare our test results. Although she is younger than me by five years, mine have bounced back immediately. Wish I had done this sooner.”

Holly has relentlessly fought against aging by focusing on three indisputable pillars that set up her body for success–eating clean, whole foods; daily movement and exercise; and trying to get solid sleep. “I knew I wasn’t going to live forever. But with number 64 at my doorstep, I felt a little disheartened. That is until I found my own secret weapon,” she says. Her secret weapon was a Thrivelab ad on Facebook. “In my first month of treatment, I was not waking up at night anymore. My energy rebounded. I had found my magic pill. I can’t tell you how happy I feel,” she says.

Leveling up energy with new diet and exercise

Holly has also shifted to an anti-inflammatory diet consisting of fresh fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and lean protein while avoiding refined carbohydrates, processed foods, and sugar as much as possible. “These plant-based phytonutrients safeguard my immunity against common health problems and the effects of aging,” says Holly.

During the pandemic, Holly is also getting her cardiovascular health back in shape. “When your heart works better, when your lungs work better, you are able to fight off something better.” Holly now exercises every day. “I used to suffer from fatigue and low get up and go. However, I feel blessed to know everything about my hormones now. I am no longer depleted due to low thyroid hormones,” she says. Holly believes it is important to exercise and to not lose muscle mass.

I feel like a kid again with a lot of energy. My brain fog is gone. My body responded beautifully.

Bio-individual care vs. conventional health care

Holly is not a fan of the conventional health care model as it’s based on waiting till you are sick to treat symptoms. “I love my Nurse Practitioner at Thrivelab because she suffered from hormone ailments, she has immense knowledge, and knows what it takes to quickly get me to my optimal health,” praises Holly, “I feel like a kid again with a lot of energy. My brain fog is gone. My body responded beautifully.”  

Holly is happy to be turning 64. Her symptoms are all gone. “My hair is better, my nails are back, and my digestive issues are all gone. I like my new normal.” Getting ample sleep of seven hours or more per night, Holly feels rested and recharged for the future.

Travel as a source of inspiration

“Everything is going well,” Holly says breaking the cycle of low thyroid has been surprisingly easy. Although she has been staying close to home during the pandemic, she is looking to visit France once the pandemic lifts. “A lot of variables affect our body–stress, diet, environment, and exercise all have influence on thyroid hormones. I am excited about traveling in the future.”

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Age is just a number

when aging is optional.